Who’s Who: 10 Superb Owls Worth Knowing
If you were going to build a team, of say, owls, we’d recommend you’d consider a few of the owls we see that touchdown in North American.
1. Burrowing Owls
Small, Mighty and Decorates with Dung

Burrowing Owls don’t mess around. They live in a hole in the ground, and use feces to decorate in order to attract their favorite food, dung beetles. They are small, but mighty and generally perch out in the open, fearing no one. I mean, look at this one, even fire is no match for them. When they’re not doing the “burrowing” themselves they will use the tunnels of a number of other animals, such as tortoises. Sometimes they even put us to work for them.

2. Barn Owls
They Can Probably Hear You Right Now
Barn Owls hunt mostly by sound even though they have excellent vision. They fly low, back and forth over fields, meadows, and other open habitat, searching for small rodents. Barn Owls’ heart-shaped faces are designed to collect sound; they have asymmetrical ears that help them detect prey. There is no scientific way to test if they can hear thoughts, but we wonder that sometimes.
3. Northern Hawk Owls
The Owl Whoo Whoo You Didn’t See Coming

This owl is a bird of boreal forests. They are found primarily throughout the far north, but occasionally find their way to the Midwest. An impressive hunter, they can detect prey up to a half mile away and can also capture prey hiding under a foot of snow!
4. Long-eared Owls
Will Defend Their Honor Like a Champ
This startled juvenile Long-eared Owl demonstrates the showy defensive or “threat” display, with feathers ruffled and wings spread out to increase size. Talk about a good defense!
5. Eastern Screech Owls
Terrifying Calls and Camouflage Champ
The call of Eastern Screech Owl is spooky, and even though they aren’t larger than a pint glass, their sounds will fill the night. They are also experts at camouflage as exhibited in this picture.
6. Short-eared Owls
They Own the Fields

Short-eared Owls, like this one are tough and may always look a little vexed. They can often be seen flying around fields and meadows at dusk, and sometimes even hanging out in the snow, watching you. They are found in many places across the United States throughout the winter. If you’re looking to watch something, these owls can certainly provide you with the opportunity.
7. Great Gray Owls
Our Largest Owl (By Length Only, But it Counts)

The Great Gray Owl is primarily found through Canada and Alaska, but they are occasionally spotted in places south of their range, like the Midwest during the winter months. This bird is our largest bird in length but not in weight. They have what appears to be a bow-tie pattern around their neck, which just adds to their greatness.
8. Northern Saw-whet Owls
Sneaky Sneaky Owls
Our smallest northern owl, these guys live alone and nest in tree cavities. Even though they are rather common across the U.S. in winter, we often fumble while trying to see them because they are not always easy to find.
9. Snowy Owls
They Can Survive in the Tundra (‘Nuff Said)
Snowy Owls visit us from the tundra, and we get so excited to see them we track them. They are attracted to open fields and are often seen during the day just sitting in an open space. It can be assumed they are waiting to play football.
10. Great Horned Owls
Not Just Good, But Great (At Everything)
Great Horned Owls can take out other owls and even falcons! They are also the main predator of a skunk. Owls, like most birds, have a poor sense of smell. But lets all agree having them on your team wouldn’t stink.
If the Barred Owl hadn’t been barred (heh) we would have included them. Actually, all of the owl species in this country are worth getting to know and great to have on your team. So let’s keep sharing the field.
By Danielle Brigida, National Social Media Manager